Shanghai Trip

After our Beijing trip, we took a bullet train traveling at 300 km/h to Shanghai from Beijing for our final leg of the program. I have included some pictures from our visit to Shanghai.

The NSLI-Y program has truly been an exceptional experience, learning Chinese, visiting so many places, and understanding Chinese culture and history. I have never spent more than 3 weeks away from home, so this was definitely a life-changing experience for me. The people I met on this trip motivated me to learn and experience everything all the way. I hope to keep in touch with them because they were as interested in the Chinese language and history as I was. I will also definitely keep in touch with my host family, especially my host brother, because I learned so much about Chinese families and way of life from that experience – such as you do laundry every day, and you should always wear slippers (拖鞋)in the house etc.

All in all, I am very unlikely to ever get an experience like this ever again, and I am truly grateful for it. What a summer!

image子弹火车 (Bullet train)

Shanghai  World Financial Center (9th tallest building in the world at 1,614ft). Incidentally, the 2nd tallest building in the world (Shanghai Tower) is also located in Shanghai – unfortunately, it was being renovated and not open to visitors. The World Financial Center was closed when we got there but we managed to get in – not telling how!

外滩 (The Bund in Shanghai)

佛像寺庙  (Jade Buddha temple)image杂技表演 (Shanghai Acrobatics Show)

东方明珠塔 (Oriental Pearl Tower)

上海市区打算博物馆 (Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center)

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