NSLI-Y Week 2 Overview

Week 2 has just come to a close, and there is only one more week before we move in with our host families! I have learned a lot so far, but living with my host family for 2 weeks will definitely enhance my knowledge and insight.

It has been a lot of studying and reviewing material, but the classes make you speak up and pay attention. The interest groups have also been a lot of fun. I learned how to play Chinese chess, and we had a guest graduate student visit our class to teach us how to sing some Chinese songs. Last Sunday, however, we were in for a real treat as we celebrated four students’ birthdays for the month of July. The cake was 很好吃!After that, we went to our second music concert, featuring the 10th anniversary concert of the Youth Orchestra of Xiamen Foreign Language School. The performance included both current students and alumni who rejoined their high school orchestra especially for this occasion. The orchestra, which has won both national and international awards, played an excellent and exciting concert consisting of both Western Classical and Chinese pieces. It was very emotional in the end, as many alumni would be leaving Xiamen after this academic year.

I am excited to find out what our final week in the dorms has to offer!

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